
Why It's Smart to Care about World Water Day


World Water Day is March 22. So what, right? Well, for about 663 million people in the world, it’s a big deal. They live without access to clean water. This causes a ton of problems, including water-related illnesses. But lack of water impacts women and girls the most, because they are often the “water fetchers” in a family. 

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You Want to Reduce Poverty? Start with Water. // Featured Charity at Society B // World Water Day

I’m sure it’s obvious by now that we are passionate about clean water. With organizations like, clean water is the bottom rung of the ladder out of poverty for millions of people. Clean water leads to health, education, productive communities, and empowerment for women and girls. Don't believe me? Let me tell you a personal story.

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Gifts that Give Back for Clean Water

Gifts that Give Back for Clean Water

Organizations like charity: water and are making innovative advances to bring clean water to millions of people. And thanks to more social businesses supporting clean water through commerce, we can also make a difference with our purchases. Here are our favorites. 

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Shine a Light on Clean Water

Courtesy // charity:water

A friend and I were chatting recently, and he said, “You care about clean water. I get it.” And rather than take this as the insult he probably intended, I was kinda proud at that moment. It meant that I had, in a tiny way, raised awareness about clean water and its importance in the world. “Clean water and its importance in the world” sounds strange to write...

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